Gene Stories

DNA Analysis

You can learn a lot from your DNA and how your body responds to micronutrients found in the foods and supplements we eat, and from the activities we do to stay fit. Here you can learn more about the insights we provide you with when you do your DNA test with us. Our analysis focuses on nutrition, fitness, wellbeing and general lifestyle, which can help you optimise your health for the best. We do not diagnose diseases or serious illnesses.


Salt is vital and must be supplied to the body every day through food. However, too much salt in the food can lead to increased blood pressure. The more salt is in the body, the more fluid the body needs. If the salt intake increases, the required water is removed from the cells. In order to flush the salt out of the blood via the kidneys as quickly as possible, the body increases the blood pressure. This effect is particularly strong in certain genetic types. Therefore, it may be useful to reduce the salt intake from one's diet.


Calcium is an important mineral that is absorbed through the diet. A sufficient amount of calcium doesn't just promotes stability and strength of the bones but also plays a role in other important body functions. A common genetic variation in the LCT gene may result in decreased calcium absorption from one's diet. As a result, the body falls back and uses its reserves in the skeleton, thus harming the health of the bones. An increased intake of calcium-rich foods can counteract this effect.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D can be produced by the body with the help of solar radiation, but also can be ingested through the diet. In addition to numerous important tasks, vitamin D controls the absorption of calcium and leads to healthy bones. For vitamin D to be effective, it must first be converted into its active form and bind to the vitamin D receptor (VDR). This receptor is found in almost every body cell and can only fulfil its health-beneficial tasks in its bound form. Genetic variations can alter the receptor's structure.

Heavy Metals

Heavy metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium are an integral part of the environment and are absorbed by every human through their diet or skin on a daily basis. Therefore, it is important for the body to bind these pollutants and render them harmless. This task is performed by various detoxification genes. However, if these genes do not function properly, they can not perform their task sufficiently and the increased exposure to heavy metals can endanger one's health.


Coffee has been one of the world's most popular drinks for centuries. Numerous studies have already shown that moderate coffee consumption can have many beneficial health effects. However, this is also determined by genetics. Coffee contains many different ingredients. For example, it can provide our body with high levels of antioxidants that protect cells from harmful radicals. It also contains unhealthy caffeine, which is broken down in the body by the CYP1A2 gene. A common genetic variation can slow this degradation, which can affect your health.


Cholesterol is a vital blood fat and an important building block for numerous metabolic processes. A distinction is made between "good" (HDL) and "bad" (LDL) cholesterol. Cholesterol is produced both by the body itself and also absorbed from food. The amount is crucial, because bad cholesterol levels are associated with a variety of health problems. The regulation of cholesterol levels involves several genes that may be impaired in their function by genetic variations.


Triglycerides (like cholesterol) are among the blood lipids and are indispensable as an energy store for the body. When the building blocks for triglycerides are increased in food, the body produces an excess of triglycerides. Excessive consumption of dietary fats may therefore lead to increased levels of triglycerides, which may have a negative effect on cardiac health. In some people, however, genetic variations can also lead to elevated triglyceride levels.


Omega-3 fatty acids play a central role in the human body's metabolism. In addition to possessing many other positive qualities, they can improve cardiac health. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels by reducing "bad" LDL cholesterol levels and increasing "good" HDL cholesterol. However, this effect can be altered by a genetic variation in the APOA1 gene.


Homocysteine is a substance that is produced in the body during the breakdown of proteins. Since homocysteine is a potent cytotoxin, it must be rapidly broken down, for which vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid are important. Part of this mechanism involves the MTHFR gene. Frequently occurring genetic variations, however, may result in this gene not functioning properly and thus limiting the breakdown of homocysteine. In many cases this leads to an increased homocysteine level in the blood.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 is not only essential for the energy supply of the cells, but also supports the MTHFR gene in the decomposition of homocysteine. Increased homocysteine levels are associated with a variety of health problems. In combination with the right genes, vitamin B2 is able to lower this value.


Lactose - also called milk sugar - is found in milk and dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt and butter, but also in many convenience foods. There is a gene that affects whether your body makes enough of the enzyme lactase, which is needed to break down lactose in the intestine. This gene can inform you if you have no increased risk, or a very high risk for being lactose intolerant.


Gluten helps foods maintain their shape by acting as a glue that holds it together. It also provides elasticity, and this enables bread to rise, and gives foods containing gluten a chewy structure. However, those with a gluten intolerance should avoid it. Two genes have been identified that effect how your body responds to gluten in your diet. These two genes, when analysed together, can inform you if you have a low to no risk, a moderate risk, or a high risk and the prerequisite for being gluten intolerant.


A personal Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) based on DNA testing holds immense advantages in tailoring nutritional intake to individual needs. By leveraging genetic information, RDAs can be finely tuned to an individual's unique genetic makeup, optimising health outcomes in ways that generic RDAs cannot. A personalised RDA can enhance nutrient absorption and utilisation. DNA testing can unveil genetic variations that impact how efficiently the body processes certain nutrients. Armed with this information, RDAs can be adjusted to accommodate these variations, ensuring optimal nutrient uptake

Free Radicals

When converting energy, harmful by-products, so-called free radicals, are created. These destroy cells and promote the aging process. However, the body has a system to neutralise these free radicals and render them harmless. This protection is controlled by several genes. Yet, common gene variations can interfere with this function and increase oxidative stress.


The GPX1 gene helps bind and neutralise free radicals. To perform this function, the gene requires a sufficient amount of selenium. However, due to a genetic variation, the ability to bind selenium is worse. As a result, the GPX1 gene provides less protection against free radicals.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is considered a powerful antioxidant. It is absorbed through one's diet and protects from free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 is an important substance that protects the body from toxic substances, so- called free radicals. But Q10 is not effective in its original form. It must first be converted into its active form inside the body before it can neutralize free radicals. A particular gene (NQO1) is responsible for this transformation.


Our mental health has a great impact on our quality of life. If we do not have the ability to adapt to change (resilience) and are stressed in the long term, this can affect our physical health. Our resilience is not only influenced by experiences, but also by biological factors, including our genes.

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